Workplace Emission Reduction Committees (WERCs) are one tool in reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. LEC is supporting one such committee at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). This group has examined the TDSBs institutional plans to reduce GHGs and made recommendations to move the process along more efficiently and effectively. The committee has equal representation from labour and management and engages the expertise of both collaboratively to address this issue. The collaboration has worked well, building organizational momentum in a framework of continuous improvement.
LEC is ready to bring this approach to other workplaces. Unions that want to engage employers in efforts to reduce emissions might want to consider forming these committees.
LEC is ready to support this initiative in a number of ways by:
- Helping unions form WERCs
- Supporting the work of the committee on an on-going basis
- Identifying best practices re: WERCs

For more information please contact: [email protected]